Dear colleagues, dear friends,
Once evaluated the projects, including the amendments requested by the assessment committee, the EFFS-jury has taken a decision on the awarded project for the 3rd Collaborative European Freshwater Science Project for Young Researchers “(FreshProject)” Call.
It is our pleasure to announce that the project “Overseen ecosystem services of ponds and their insects – their role for supporting terrestrial consumers and biodiversity” (EUROPONDS)”, presented by Lena Fehlinger (VOL, Association of Austrian SIL-Members – SIL-Austria) and by Biljana Rimcheska (CAFÉ, Croatian Association of Freshwater Ecologists), has been awarded.
We will soon start the procedure to open the project to involve as much as possible young freshwater scientists across Europe. A call will be open soon for that purpose, so please follow our announcements and get involved into the awarded project!
Congrats to the awardees!